RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Peeking Over The Horizon

Here comes the sun, peeking over the horizon, blinking it's
eyes from a deepened sleep on the other side of earth.

Preparing us all for a brand new day, filled with wonder and

Lulling Passion

Smoothly and tenderly, rising and falling with the swelling
of the ocean, as it's rhythm sinks within our intellect.

Building it's meaning through creativity, lulling passion

Quiet Lullabye

So solemnly, soothing inner sadness with rhythm's of ocean's
innate nature.

Capturing the essence of it's purpose, configuring it with

Inner Heartstrings

Gliding and plucking strings of a violin, energizing a mind
with it's definite rhythm, while touching inner heartstrings
with sweetened melodies.

Intuitive Desires

Born to be free and independent, marching to a
different drummer within.

Allocating every musical fiber to the differences of

Eliciting A Response

Beautiful, soft, fitting perfectly in hand and mouth,
eliciting a response of excitement from a person I
love dearly.

Whispering Rhythms

Slinging back and forth, folding and unfolding my heart
while waiting in anticipation of another day in writing.

Intently listening to rhythms, whispering kindly in coded

Different Levels Of Antipahty

Rhetoric playing gently in the background, letting me flow
forward into pages of life that I have written.

Solemnly taking every emotion and feeling into consideration,

Chords Breaking Free

Stridently progressing into tomorrow's repertoire of history
in the making.

Guiding and leading patterns, existing perfectly in a space

Soliciting Interpretations

Morosely fidgeting with a pen, thinking deeply in many
compositions of my own creation.

Soliciting interpretations of all levels of translations

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