RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Taming Rhythm

Taming rhythm, soothing nerve endings with an innate healing
effect taking over and pouring endorphins rapidly into my
entire body.

Anger Within

Intense anger stirs deeply within.
Being accused of all manner of things
by a once upon a friend.
Someone whom I can no longer abide in

Turning Inward

Walking away, never looking back, taking steps
farther away than I've ever gone before.
Turning inward, trying to find the peaceful
aura hiding defensively inside.

Step Beyond Life

Taking steps carefully toward
a final sunset, listening for
clues aligning themselves to
my spirit, so I can calmly

Deciphering Moods

Listening intentively to a jumble of emotions,
turning and stirring in my mind, being deluged
by them, even though they're not mine, but
belong to a friend.

Imaginative Designs

Stalking interior thoughts, trying to figure out which
ones are to be arranged and set to music in a balance
of colored hues.
Testing each fiber, creating pictures from entire

Silent Traces

Learning New Dimensions

Arranging thoughts according to inner particles,
flowing constantly into my mind.
Eclipsing and short-cutting normal processes in
order to allow talent to pour forth, insinuating

Sublime Knowing

Solitary confinement steads me in an atmosphere of contemplation,
giving an atmosphere in which I can imagine just about everything
in a talented rendezvous.
Searching daily moments, looking for any that will fit accurately

A Living Grave

Full and tender, set into a living grave,
awaiting the world's awakening with the
morning sun.

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