RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Grasping Light While We Can

Following trails into the future, not having a clue what
will happen, just going ahead and living life to it's

Sensitive Man

Tender-hearted, gentle, filled with the pain of loss,
a man sensitive to ways a woman feels, an unconditional
love, holding promise for those who are in marriages
distraught with many failures of their husbands.

Cacophony Of Youth

Awake, alert, writing, having no urges to fall asleep just
yet, mind wandering down hapless lanes of hope and promise,
wanting to find directions in which to now go.

Across India

Traveling across plains of India, seeing rice paddies every-
where, beautiful flowers and greenery stationing themselves
all across the land.

Visions Of Daydreams

Living through the darkness of this night, touching feelings
of sorrow that continue to glisten like diamonds in tears of
my heart.

Never Being

Balancing in the center of life, watching as it teeters
back and forth at times, wondering why it doesn't comp-
lately topple over.

Traveling Great Distances Within

Light traveling within imagination, spreading it's essence
throughout intellect, filling it with knowledge and wisdom,
traveling great distances through such a small brain.

Water Splashing Onto My Mind

Water splashing refreshingly onto my mind, awakening it
with pleasure, soothing and calming me interiorly, feel-
ing it's effects as my mind comes alert in India.

Through A Positive Image Of India

Skyways of an entire country, alluring and enticing me
into it's heart of hearts, feeling beauty sending it's
effervescent love of everything into my being.

Giving A Perfect Life To Live

Quietly tip toeing into another dimension, searching and
finding the sanity that I so deserve, plentiful, silent,
taking me into the interior spiritualty of my soul.

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