RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Wanting Nothing More Than To Write

Rocking to beats that tantalize, tempt and tease
this mind and intellect, often wanting nothing
more than to write each days moments together.

Seizing Moments In The Wink Of A Poem

Rising and falling of rhythms portraying life in musical
symphonies, rhapsodies, lyrics, loving the exceptional
types and varieties of music.

Living In The Moment On A Continual Basis

Reaching from within a twilight evening, coming out in
the pleasure of a brand new morning filled with hope
and promise.

Attitude And Mood Reflecting Beauty

Writing, listening and singing along with a song
called the best day of my life, picking up and
lifting spirits sky high!

Lifelines Of Being Human

Adrenaline flowing quickly through this poetical being,
bringing joy and happiness of this morning, challenging
mind and intellect in many different ways.

Musical Rhythms Lighten Heaviness

Being all about life, nature and humanity, thinking along
those lines incessantly, having the wherewithal to write
it into poems from morning to night.

Life Is Fragile

Children running around, laughing, giggling, playing,
having fun and enjoying a life they've been given for
the time being.

Attaining Personal Dreams

Everyone in this life has a choice, doing what they're
good at, studying, learning, challenging themselves a-
long the way.

Walking Down Highways Of Life

Walking down highways of life, seeking out its truths
from beneath the lies and illusions that have been told
by corrupt and evil people along the way.

Looking Into The World

Looking into the world from afar, sensing more than
seeing what's lying there out of sight, needing to
question everything.

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