RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Mind Reading Life Through Senses

Mind reading life through senses intensely livid, touching
upon this human brain, titillated from within a subconscious-
ness that does favors through music and innate talent.

Pushing This Poetical Mind

Rhythms rocking mind and intellect, exercising
brain cells and using them fully, going quickly
into depths of intellect and subconsciousness.

Time - Turning Meanings

Silent voice singing along with rhythmic lyrics of another,
encouraging this mere poet to write many thousands of poems
to their rhythms.

Receiving And Giving Through Poetry

Living in an environment filled with details on everything,
most people never even noticing them like a creative person

Dance Of Mind And Intellect

Whenever sitting and listening to music, a party happens
to be formed, laughter, happiness and joy forming a dance
of the mind and intellect.

Wisdom Speaks Louder Than Life

Tempos racing into this mind gathering tidbits from
every aspect and facet of an entire lifetime that
somehow exists within.

A Forgiving Nature

Life can be tiring at times, but when being focused and
centered, having a great time deciding what you prefer

Giving Your Brain Oxygen

Exercising mind and intellect gives your brain
oxygen that awakens yours thoughts, as they
look around.

Illuminating Darkened Corners

Jumping into measures of musical rhythms brings light,
always shining in the darkness, illuminating darkened
hidden corners in order to find shy ideas or thoughts.

Hoping To Find Expectations Of A Lifetime

Mind resting upon pedestals looking into caverns and
ravines, hoping to find expectations of a lifetime
being relived in the excitement of another rhythmic

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