RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Welcoming Quiet Time

Surprising turn of events coming to be, allowing life to
open up and empty me out into it's interior desert where
I can b totally alone in thought.

Spirit's Essence

Essence of this spirit travels through the night,
alighting among stars and traversing their lighted

Blackened Skies

White lights shining brightly in blackened skies, beckoning
to me to come join it's freedom.

Flying high above earth at night, knowing no one knows what

Reaching Out To Others

Life is filled with pain, some of it caused by others and
some of it coming from within ourselves.

Wondering why we do this when life is already so difficult

Truth Of Life Today

Running exhaustingly into darkened clouds of yesterday's
memories, writing and shining the beauty of thought out
upon many pages of daily life.

Notes Of Interior Design

Visions jumping and steadily composing their coded messages
as intellect proposes each one thoroughly and completely
for every composition.

Watching Fluid Ideas

Wringing sponges of my mind, watching fluid ideas come
pouring out into intellect, giving them a place to ex-
plore and be expressed in lightening of imagination.

Tunnels Of Landmarks

Foisting a measure of poetical talent onto musical intuition,
sensing the interior beauty of life.
Watching echoes reverberate through canyons of my soul.

Listening Repeatedly

Listening intently to a song repeatedly without stopping,
because it continues to inspire me with it's universal
appeal and rhythm.

Next Phase Of Life

Pictures reflecting what I'm thinking here on pages
of written poetry.

Flowing thoughts separating and coming together,

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