RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mother Nature's Green Thumb

Cloudy day, mind drifting, hitchhiking on a cloud soaring
over earth, allowing an imaginational reality in which the
surface of earth is seen and witnessed in poetry.

Sending Shadows With A Smile

Looking out across the desert, mountains steeping in the
hot Arizona sun, today being 115 degrees, clouds floating
gently across the sky, casting their shadows upon these
majestic mountains filled with self-esteem.

Treely Looks Of Wonder

Tall trees waving, welcomes to those of us watching them
from a second story window, looking so very delicate from

Champions In Our Own Way

Everyone is a champion in their own way, learning,
educating, using their innate knowledge and wisdom
to help themselves and others.

Intense Will Power

Always wondering, questioning everything in this temporary
life, wanting to know what's not already known, being very
inquisitive and curious incessantly.

Journey Through Rhythms

Mind rocking to music as it takes this poet happily on
a journey through rhythms, random ideas and thoughts
being written into poetry.

Living A Second Chance At Life

Life breaking open every morning when the sun rises,
everyone being open to whatever comes into their
lives during the next 24 hours.

Intuitively Linking Details

Linking details intuitively with thoughts of dying and
living while doing so, relating things being thought
as dying is silently progressing every day.

Determining When Life Will Be Switched Off And Death Ignited

Passing time upon earth, attempting to be positive, good
and honest while living, not wanting evil to enter into

Attaining Reasoning And Logic

Restless, thinking about life and what its meaning is
related to, is it our purpose for living in a temporary
world or is it a spiritual awakening, or something else

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