RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Looking Into Mirrors

Looking into mirrors of the future, watching the
world as it falls apart, seeing miracles begin
happening everywhere.

Past Histories

Realizing the truths of life as they stand out
boldly in the wake of trivial and inconsequential
issues that are just petty annoyances in reality.

Dying In Loneliness

Mind sitting in an ocean of tears, drowning
beneath them.

Being abandoned, lost, beneath life's edges,

Something Unknown

Embracing life with feelings of dread, wondering why
they are coming upon me now this moment.

Thinking of a loved one going through a hard time,

Painted In The Past

Paintings, portraits pained in the past are
now coming back into my mind.

Wondering where they are now hanging, if

Qualities Of The Past

Looking to death, hoping for it to rescue me from
this crazy world.

So many things happening for no reasons other than

Invisible Numbers

Scarce and unpardoning, the essence of humanity is
lessening in the wake of evil, or so it seems.

But look below the surface, all is not what it seems

Tribute To Kurdish Women

Commanding the Kurds, especially the brave
women standing up for themselves and their
country, opposing evil persecuting them.

Only The Truth Be Told

Shooting straight from the hip, not veering at all,
wanting only the truth to be told in place of lies
being spread by corrupt politicians trying to push
their immoral and unethical agendas.

Scattering Seeds

Awakening through the evening, watching and listening
for sounds and sights of nature abounding everywhere
on this earth.

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