RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Cost Of Love Is Steep

Switching back and forth, finding wonder in this earthly
life, being undefined as yet, waiting for someone to drop
the anchor and live it ultimately.

Part Of A Lost Love

Leaving this country, got to get away and find
a spiritual peace.

One that releases all the turmoil, stress and

Turning Into Silent Anger

Watching through the darkness for something positive
to appear beneath strobe lights, dancing to rhythms
being continually camouflaged when things go wrong.

Living Hell

Wondering what to feel, nothing penetrating this
being because it's been numb for many years now.

Having lost the innocence of youth, not able to

Special Goodness

Rocking into this wonderful night filled with music
and rhythms that get into our beings, taking us to
a place where we feel good.

Reaching Into Memories

Still and quiet, just writing away the night in a
jubilee of musical rhythms as they are played and
sung to.

Energy Burning Into The Night

Energy burning into the night even though the
sun is going down on this horizon and ending
up on the other side of this world.

Space For Forgiveness? ?

Sometimes a person hurts you through and through,
not leaving any space for forgiveness because
lasting nightmares never go away.

Chords Of Love

Listening to chords of love being sent from the
other side of this earth, touching this beating

Never Any Love

Finding men want only to have a woman that will do
everything for them, cook, clean, raise their kids,
be a maid and a sex slave.

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