RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Facing Odds And Challenges

Facing odds and challenges throughout life, finding answers
and solutions to them all whether facing them head on or
skirting around their edges.

An Insistent Calling

Realizations of tomorrow's visions becoming realities in
the reality of an insistent calling from deep within to
investigate and research everything in this life.

Life, A Giant Carnival

Darkened shades of this life intrigue and captivate this
intellect intensely with a brilliant inquisitiveness, life
being like a giant carnival at times.

Whispering Sounds Of Humanity

Whispering sounds of humanity coming into this mind through
musical rhythms and positive thoughts, all being gathered
and collected on interior photographic screens.

Enlightening Atmosphere

Reaching into depths of feelings, senses being alerted and
awakened immediately, all in order to match up with coded

Exciting Music

Lively, exciting, music takes mind and intellect into other
dimensions interiorly, giving pleasant sensations, thoughts
and positive attitudes.

Just Being Alive

Walking into deserts of life, contemplating what God has
given to all of humanity, knowing that not everyone will
appreciate what He's given.

New Day Of Being

Running into nighttime dreams, hoping they will continue
into a new day of being, loving the temptations of ex-
citement through writing and music.

Proactive Open Mind

Hearing a little child squealing in delight, playing with
toys provided here at the car dealers, a nice way to give
customer service to everyone.

Solo Concept

Blue skies above, not a cloud in sight, somewhat resembling
the interior bluened light of the Divine abiding within,
peaceful and soothing.

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