RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Affirming Passion

Sensing a creative atmosphere filling me entirely as I write,
mysteriously coded messages are appearing before my mind,
accessing intellect as I find the way into depths of knowledge.

Continually Entering The Present

Writing from depths of emotion, letting them be expressed
as they run from within my personality.

Loving their explicit truths as they wrap their feelings

Silent Awakening

Silently rehearsing life in pictures of moments as they snap
into my mind unbidden.

Letting me see what I have been thinking so deeply about

Creation Of Inner Being

Rhapsodies filling this mind fully from the creation of my
inner being.

Allowing me to give ideas full attention and bring them to

Comparing Every Missing Piece

Lights blinking on and shining into the future of destiny,
allowing the very existence of self to be known and felt.

Solidly finding the beauty of everything coming into life,

Knowing Only Beauty

Writing so carefully into the nighttime hours, selecting
thoughts so quickly and instantly.

Believing in the exceptional ideas that keep coming forth

Producing Aspects Of Another Life

Sunset playing around, taking me on thoughtful rendezvous of
talented creative processes.

Singly producing many aspects of another life as they quietly

Nightly Pulses

Moving through the night,
steadily feeling nightly pulses.

Reaching for the essence of my

Omen Of Disappointment

Lonely, into the night I wander emptily, with nothing keeping
me company, just an omen of total disappointment about to
alight upon my being once again.

Exchanging Attitudes

Taking time to exchange attitudes of a lifetime
for those of another in rhythm's depths.

Causing another unfathomable position to become

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