RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Realizing Worth Of Love

Playing games with other's hearts discloses varied
personalities in the interim.

Love is a figment of our imaginations, yet it is

Yellow Butterfly

Flying around the desert, a lone little yellow butterfly
soars in and about desert flowers.

Taking time to be at home with nature, flitting around

Chosen Path

Surviving the energy of life being contrived by evil doers,
keeping serene and steady in a narrow pathway down righteous
and morally correct ethics.

Multi - Directions

Quietly astounding, reflections being captured in various
windows in multi-directions.

Lightened orange-yellow with a hint of gray, lying silently

Sharing Gifts

Never needing a reason to write, only picking up a pen,
allowing ideas to flow into pictures of thought.

Everything being found on photographic screens, to be

Never Satisfied With Love

Looking around at all the elderly couples dancing and
enjoying themselves tremendously, knowing many of them
have been married fifty or sixty years to each other.

Necessity Of Instruments

Slowly forming an educational system within, taking into
account, the necessity of learning to play an instrument.

Music encompasses every aspect of learning, math, spelling,

Learning Human Nature

Quietly contemplating life, glancing at nature surrounding
me in beautiful flower gardens, scattered here and there
at the center.

Figurative Riddles

Maneuvering through left over debris, concentrating
on hierarchy's of self-esteem, regaling life with
untoward strife

Scientific Ignorance

Formulating ideals, questions, intellect, grasping
cognitive answers waylaid from yesteryear.
Unenlightened heresy, aware of retaliatory self-
deception and self-delusion.

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