RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Silent Reminders

I lost you a moment ago, when silence filled the room
with darkness.

Off to another experience beyond my sight and scope -

Thanksgiving With Family

Thanksgiving is almost upon us, just two days away from fruition and plentiful cornucopias of delicious food and prayer.
Life-altering family coming together as one at family tables, allowing tradition to come to the forefront of everyone's life, in many memories of yesterday as we progress together in the future.
Sitting at tables filled with home-cooked goodies waiting to be gotten into, filled with elation as we talk and visit, watching our children take root in family tradition, one day to carry on when we are no longer here with them.

Tiers Of Joy

Never-ending brutal sorrow pounding inner quiet, withdrawing
sanity, replacing it with tears.

Tearing apart a piece of joy held carefully in prayerful hands, tended gently, afraid of losing it, reaching and never attaining another particle to add to it.

Unchanged Societies

Eons of ages stepped over in centuries annals describing an entire phase of life called renaissance.
Created by personal histories of individuals living life in each own's time.
Doing whatever came natural and easy was done willingly without remorse.
So many pages left unwritten because not everyone could write.

April Shower

A man walking. A woman talking.
A child playing. A dog barking.
Birds singing. Bells ringing.
Dawn breaking. Daylight shaping.

Step Out Of The Box

Au revoir to life in crowded, unkempt buildings, filled with stale air and dirty restrooms.
No life or nature can you find beyond steel and glass doors.
There are no good reasons to place yourself inside, when the only way to live is outside in our desert's vast, expansive and safe sands.
Eyes touching cacti stubble, mountainous rocks and petals of beautiful flowers, which can always replace staring at computer monitors for hours on end.

Fertile Minds

Filtering down within many pages of history, life on earth still remains a permanent mystery.
Listening to ageless echoes of yesterday, resounding through the years, written on many pages.
Bringing wonder to those who seek to satisfy their curiosity, and bewilderment to those who won't.
Endless searching fulfills many desires of certain people.

Ideas From Childhood

Forlorn Families

Walking along walls, looking down into pits of city
dwellers, seeing their vacant stares as they travel
down paths of homelessness.
Wasting away on city streets, in front of highrise

Soul Centering

Locating the center of my universe, finding it's soul is the prime thought of living an existence in times of suffering and trials.
After thinking about everything, I go outside myself and travel in different dimensions just to keep my brain growing in all directions.
Expanding, listening to inner intellect, taking trails into unknown forests where I can listen to the wind blow in a different direction - down.
Softly plying my heart, giving it a strength it hasn't known before.

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