RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Atmosphere Of Unconditional Love

Breaking hearts happen all over the world of ours, because
of human nature and it's fickle forms dedicated to love.

Insidious thoughts leading people to mistrust, lie and

Enticing Dreams

Dreaming during the day of beautiful thoughts brought from
depths of last night's dreams.

Tiny threads are still holding onto this brain, soothing

Bypassing Turmoil

Picture posters being hung on walls of my mind, tracing
wisdom through the years.

Walking through hallways, into depths of knowledgeable

Little Life

Slipping along paths in life, trying to stay on the straight
and narrow, having a difficult time of it, because people in
life have you in their lines of sight causing you to topple
and fall along the way.

Thought Popping

Sleepy notions, opening their eyes, rubbing them awake,
trying to focus on the new day at hand.

Placing all of life on doorsteps of another time, rising

Waiting To Be Borne

Awakening this mind to pictures of thought crowding around,
wanting to be seen already.

Inpatient, yet quietly awaiting the focus they know will be forthcoming in a moment.

Dreams Fulfill

Dreams falling into line, never fading through the years,
continually watching them move forward to be realized.

Transposing them into reality, enjoying seeing them moving

Mountainside Forest

Skiing down mountainsides, speeding quickly between trees
and brush, never faltering or falling over.

A downhill voyage into nature as this mind concentrates

Back To Life

Striding towards a future, seeing elements that need to
be brought into alignment in order to produce an energy
of new ideas, inventions and thoughts.

Time Is Only A Bandaid

Sorrow fills everyone in life, learning how to handle it
without having any directions is the trick to living with

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