RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Becoming Part Of Intellect

Unique to South Indian music, called gotham, starting with
a composition called 'ecstasy' with descending scales.

Penetrating drum beats touching and reverberating along

Appreciating The Boss

As bosses go you are first rate, appreciated
for your laid-back western style, and hiding
behind closed doors, doing all sorts of things
to keep you busy.

Bosses Week

Bosses week is such a small way to show how much you're
appreciated for the thoughtfulness, kindness and under-
standing you show all employees.

Watching Language Through Music

Mind drumming in time with the passage of memories being
composed and created through an extraordinary maze and
puzzle of rhythm.

Structural Designs

Tantalizing episodes of nature growing tenderly within,
tending to spirituality and the essence of life.

Extraordinary perceptions and concepts are being erected

Nature's Enticing Grip

Looking, peering out windows of a door, seeing the sun in
all of it's glory, enlightening the world outside.

Enjoying the brightness of it's focus, letting it warm

Within India's Veins

Enduring melodies are dancing through reasons in
India's lifeblood, taking pride in excellent music.

Spreading it's wings, soaring into everyone's minds,

Appreciating Cultures

Introducing bountiful measures of life in America and

Beautiful pictures coming to mind of excellent times

Being Welcomed

Society is opening it's doors to the people of India,
standing at the entrance with open arms.

Welcoming us with smiles and pleasurable measures of

Arousal Of Energy

Leaves sliding across the sidewalk, being blown
by invisible breezes.

Scooting them up and down the courtyard with no

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