RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sitting Alone

Sitting alone in seconds of time, watching moments pass
by silently, not taking any notice of us at all.

That is how life seems to be also, we all live it daily,

A Being Of Silence

Culminating in a brief period of sunny haze,
no response or sound emanating from within.

A being of silence formed by life's

Trump Created A Path For America

Rising and continuing to go forward, nothing else
can beat the path that Trump has now created for

Seasons Coming, Seasons Falling

Summer, winter, spring and fall, seasons coming,
seasons falling into the nothingness of your death,
holding nothing to look forward to again in this
earthly life.

Filling Pages

Stepping into the night, set in rhythms of the universe,
listening for rays of moonlight as they shine upon earth.

Touching beauty of a desert landscape as I write poetry,

Picking Up Pieces

Reality hitting hard at times, knocking one to the
ground, taking away our breath.

Dreams being confiscated, trampled upon, leaving

Fire Burning In My Soul

Falling out of the depths of life, losing control,
a fire burning in my soul.

Interior spirituality filling me with an exceptional

Culture Of New Beginnings

Sandwiched between feelings and emotions are rhythms
of our lives, regulating what we do and how we react
to situations.

Holding Onto A Friend

Playing faith to sounds coming from an interior piano,
letting hope jump into the fray and come alive this
very day.

Alone In Loss

Hearing a voice coming from some unknown source,
touching my mind carefully with a gentle hand.

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