RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Poetry Through Nature

Waterfalls of happiness and joy portray landscapes of nature
through poetry, delivering messages to others around the en-
tire world.

Flowered With Thoughts

Shrouded in mysterious curtains of sublimity, magical dimen-
sions being flowered with thoughts and ideas spread through-
out this world.

Deeper Havens

Traipsing along pathways in deep forests of thoughts filled
with the aroma of pine trees after a rainfall.

Delectable and affably comforting in many ways, finding it's atmosphere luring and captivating all senses at once.

Portrait Of Nature

Picturesque and tantalizing, wonder filling every portrait of
nature with exhilarating and exciting new temptations of joy.

Explicit properties of innate talent being nourished and nur-

Creative Mind In Solitude

Forlorn and sad at times, running away from the world and people
to sit in solitude, alone with thoughts, feelings, emotions that
continually fill this being with a thoughtful contemplation.

Intense Concentration

Entering domains of exciting dimensions, music and rhythm
carrying this being into new circumstances and adventures.

Challenging and very rewarding, giving pleasure and free-

Circumference Of Humanity

Watching life move in the circumference of humanity, intellect
choosing aspects to be checked into further, listening intently
to every note and sound.

Feeling Energy

Lonely, but not lonely, being delivered from it's intense aban-
donment through writing and music, feeling energy spreading
throughout intellect.

Delighting In Fascination

Living through innate knowledge and wisdom, seeming to find
another avenue of life somehow through intellect's ingenuity
and energy.

Creative Energizing Atmosphere

Rocking band, beating drums, guitar blazing into the afternoon,
filling us with harmony and rhythms, lively, fanciful, energiz-
ing everyone here today at Buddy Stubbs.

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