RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dementia's Hell

Sorrow and loneliness for the life I used to have,
missing the serenity and peace that I once knew.

Now living in another's hell of dementia, his sense


Swinging and swaying in the middle of the afternoon,
touching upon the divine with spirituality rising
ever higher.

Beginnings Of The End

Vibrating in the evening of an enticing balance of
human nature, while relaxing and resting in the arm-
chair of rhythm.

Soul Drenched

Keep smiling while you're crying and no one will ever
know the pain you're going through.

Tears being hidden in corners of your mind, while your

We Don'T Live In A Perfect World

Embarrassed by nothing in life, having self-confidence,
just enough, to admit mistakes and when being wrong.

Living in the surety of uncertainty throughout life,

Having Knowledge

Somberly walking along forest pathways where only
animals dare to tread, ordinarily.

Feeling safe and peaceful, not worried about any-

Edges Of Danger

Twiggling throughout music and rhythm letting it lead
me into jungles of interior atmospheres where I can be

Nothing To Be Afraid Of

Tempos playing tactfully in and out of life, taking
us into new atmospheres and adventures.

Nothing to be afraid of, having fun, traveling

Accepted By Everyone

Moving forward, walking tightropes of strife
and suffering, at times falling into safety
nets filled with happiness and joy.

Echoes Of Beauty

Searching, going into the light, discovering elements
of life that keep me going.

Energy flowing, always tantalizing and giving me such

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