RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Effortless Pleasure

Lilting rhythms filling my mind, beats taking me
into steps of the future.

Watching as life revolves, taking the stress and

Choices Made Alone

Ridicule and intolerance of others is only bad
judgment on their parts and has nothing to do
with anything that we have done.

Beat Of The Wind

Leaves being blown by an afternoon breeze, shimmering
in the sunlight, looking like diamonds hanging there
looking brilliant, as I write them into this poem.

Women, Still Looking

Disrespect for women still runs rampant in our society,
wanting women to be a partner in marriage, bearing
their children.

Living Through This Life

Living through life, expecting nothing much in return
for experiencing it's strife and turmoil.

Exploiting the fruits of nature and humanity, polluting

Feelings And Nature

Following routes of nature through this mind, wanting
to find solace and serenity to bring peace into my

Can You Sense My Pleasure?

Settling into a corner, listening to CD's, relaxing,
playing the piano of my mind with my left hand, writing
with my right at the same time just as I am doing now.

Elicited By Intellect

Singly going into depths of another universe hidden
deeply within my being.

No one else able to follow, not liking to express

Repreive From Stress

Experiencing a lightness starting to envelope my
interior being, giving a reprieve from the stress
of this afternoon.

Never Again At My Side

Rhythms rolling through memories, touching upon their
essence as I remember them with bittersweet reminiscence.

Holding your love close to me, feeling your heart still

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