RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Respecting One Another's Views

Throughout life, I've found that when talking to people,
if for some reason they don't agree with you and think
their point or issue is more important than yours, they
will start adamantly yelling and screaming at you.

Being One Family

Leaving Kolkata reluctantly at best, not wanting to leave
this beautiful and exciting country, loving every inch of
it's picturesque and eloquent culture and gentle people.

Feeling Of Deep Loneliness

Feeling lost and alone, like I've lost my best friend in
life, yet knowing we will be talking every day and he'll
be coming to the U.S. to stay with me for a while.

Feelings Of Love Lying About

Thoughts jumbling around with emotions and feelings much
like a clothes dryer tumbling them about within me, rest-
less, trying to settle down, a nervous energy building.

Thinking Like This Mere Poet

Looking around while sitting here in Calcutta's airport,
seeing people of many nationalities, all types of person-
alities and varieties of beliefs.

Missing What I Had

Outside, clouds filling the blue sky with their grayened
tones, letting rain come between and fall upon this earth,
feeling the denseness of their fullness filling my heart.

Quiet Desperation Being Lived

Quiet desperation being lived all over the world by those
who have nothing in this life of ours, pondering situa-
tions, noting circumstances beyond our control.

Circle Of Loss

Adjusting interior patterns, allowing them to combine and
blend with rhythms of innate music, capturing, fulfilling
and becoming a new design of ingenuity and achievement.

Canyons Of Time

Falling in ravines and canyons of time as it goes it's
way, taking our lives with it, no mercy to be had in
the end.

Tender Gentleness

Through the night stars above spreading their loneliness
into our beings, twinkling, showing us the path of our
humanity is solitary.

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