RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Cherished Treasure For Life

You are the one I turn to when I can no longer see my
way clear, tenderly you reach out to me, talking gently,
holding and making me feel loved and close to you.

Discoveries In Place

Swinging to tunes of light years, soaring into orbit,
finding many new discoveries have been made and put
in place.

Intellect Takes Over

Silently quiet, folding within myself, letting intellect
take over, resting my mind complacently with a relaxed

Open Minds Of Creative People

Wanting only moments of love with you, our hearts in
synch, playing a duet through our souls.

Whispers coming from heaven as angels look down upon

Fanning Fires

Rushing rough messages coded through poetry, looking
for the ones dealing with similar subjects and filling
pages with their abstract concepts.

Spiritual Beauty

Walking through pastures of roses, blossoms filling path-
ways with their petals.

Standing at the gate, looking around, contemplating each

Answering A Question

Hoping to find answers to questions generated from an
interior curiosity, wondering about things that most
people never even notice.

Tempo Of Heavenly Rhythms

Steadily and quietly, our hearts are beating together,
never losing sight of each other no matter where we are.

Moments recalling many memories, letting them reverberate


Lost and alone, falling through the cracks and into deep
ravines, not caring anymore about where we end up.

Spreading our arms, reaching for heaven and asking God

Shadows Unfolding

Shadows unfolding in the darkness, knowing they
will not be seen unless someone shines a light
upon them.

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