RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mind Ending Peace

Jostling apart mind-ending peace, scattering and dispersing
it to the ends of earth.

Whiling away tense situations on edges of stomachs and chairs,

Outside City Hall

Scurrying outside city hall to sit by a fountain and write
about all that is seen.

Shadows of a dismal city building fall upon gravelly side-

A Ruined Desert City

Looking from a tenth floor window, out upon a ruined desert

High rise buildings, unnatural trees and landscaping, all

City Ugliness

Ugly repeater towers, standing ironly against
concrete and steel buildings, making their

City Officials Stealing

Life-threatening ideas, sitting on easels, pointing out
errors in lives of people.

Self-appointed gods, pulling strings, threatening public

Uncaring City

Another ugly dinosaur building going up across the street
from city hall.

A monstrosity in every phase, image, idea of the word.

Work Headache

Holding head to hands, tired,
ready to go home.

Boring jobs make work days

An Aunt Nina

Forty-eight years and counting, being close to my Mom's sister,
Aunt Nina.

Through the years, a wonderful friend and companion, shared

Blinds And Sun Fun

Blinds closed across the windows, keeping out the sunlight.

However, light peeks through onto each slot, just to let
people know it can be done.

Sickening City Views

Looking out windows on the tenth floor, trying to find a
pleasant view, finding I have to peek between buildings.

Wherever I look, ugly buildings, air conditioning units,

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