RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Finding Excitement And Danger

Sliding across landscapes of imagination, not having
to travel miles, just arriving instantaneously through

Sunshine In Nighttime Hours

Silent, quiet, just listening to music, filling
hours of life with the passion and essence of life.

Sunlight shining upon me, even in nighttime hours,

Deeper Serenity

Pounding of drums ruminating throughout my mind,
giving thoughts to write about.

Filling this being with an array of enticing and

Lap Of Love

Settling into myself, looking to you for love and
comfort, loving to be held in your arms, feeling
safe and sound.

Spiritual Essence

Touching and loving one another, walking hand in
hand through the desert, looking at it's beauty
as we pass by it.

Looking Itself Increases Desires

Lighting softened for the night, illuminating your
manly physique, so fine and tempting to my being.

Looking itself increases my desire for your love,

Insistent And Intense

Steady and totally immersed in the rhythms of life,
moving forward through their beats as they grasp my
heart within them.

No End To Loss

This life is full of anger and sadness, caused by
it's turmoil and suffering, mainly because of loss
and it's total bereavement in years of life lived

Tidbits Of Memories

Leaving alone, walking away from crowds of people,
letting music do the talking to me interiorly.

Finding relatively solemn and silent meanings hiding

Showing Possibilites

Tranquil rhythms taking me rushing hurriedly into
corridors of time, showing all memories that have
been gathered through the years.

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