RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Voter I.D. Needed Everywhere

Well equipped with answers to issues to be voted on this
election, wanting this poetical voice to be heard loud
and clear.

Correcting Corruption

Watching videos, talking to people all over the nation about
all the cheating, lying and media collusion trying to hide
bad and evil things democrats are doing.

American Nightmare Being Trampled

Living in an American nightmare because so-called elected
officials are corrupt and committing fraud and treason in
every aspect of our government.

Healthy Ways Of Old

Skipping through intellect, this inner child doing so and
remembering how when younger this and running would be
done all through childhood.

Shortcuts Into Subconsciousness

Thinking of many different topics, listening to music
definitely zones in on whatever comes through in
rhythmic equations.

Looking To Nature For Fulfillment

Climbing trees in this mind, remembering how when younger,
climbing as high as possible, hanging onto a branch high
above, letting go and landing on both feet.

Creative Answers

Moving steadily through life, surmounting difficulties along
the way, always finding solutions, usually outside the box,
because mind and intellect come up with creative answers and
ways of doing things.

Death Takes Away The Equation Of Love

Hearts everywhere find puddles of tears throughout the years
because of heartbreak and loss, everyone goes through some
bad times in matters of the heart.

No Longer Clinging To A Life Force

Looking down from a second story window onto covered parking,
seeing piles of leaves spread across the aluminum roofs, look-
ing brown and black becausre all life has been drained.

Watching Patterns Forming

Mind jumping into measures of music and rhythms, dancing with
ideas and concepts, watching patterns forming along a final
acquisition turning itself into complex designs.

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