RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Imaginational Avenues

Screened in on porches of intellectual prowess, seeing
an open atmosphere beckoning with it's essence, fragrantly
scenting the air.

Everyday Options

Silent meditation thought up in people's minds,
giving love in each own's time.

Wandering aimlessly along many paths, stumbling

Heartless Souls

Fountain lights cascading down ancient walls, filling
minds with brilliant colors and artistic shapes -
throwing shadows into memories.

Shadow Angles

Angles and their shadows, illiterating formulas of constant
thought through many generations of families.

Lying down through centuries, finding prospects of desires

Fallen Leaf

1: 30 p.m.
Fallen leaves of many colors, bruised and cracked, now lying
helpless on the ground.

Admiring Creation

Orange-red, rosy sky, full of anticipation for another

Lovely painting by heavenly angels, never thinking twice,

Empty Skies

Staring lonely out at the sky, feeling emptiness tugging
inside, afraid to think of tomorrow coming, left all alone
again with no one's love.

Dessert With Youngest Son

Sitting across the table from our youngest son, watching his
eyes grow big as his order is served.

Our special dessert, it was called, cake with vanilla ice

Shot By An Angry Voice

Standing in the line of fire, learning what it is to be shot
at by an angry voice.

Shutting out the words, feelings of hatred can still be heard

A Young Boy

Spinning happily in a small space of time, a young boy
creates his own frame of mind.

Thoughts crowding, racing around, chasing each other,

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