RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Universe Of Writing

Watching musically as words flow easily before me,
keeping time with incandescent beats playing for an
interim of solace.
Making mathematical formulas emulate meanings and

Vinyl Recordings

Instruments Of Talent

Sounding terrific, playing instruments of talented
individuals, creating galleries of sound in artistic
Pulling out all stops, partaking of every creative

Square Realms

Rattling rafters of buildings with incessant rhythms
and clapping of hands in recognition of music's
Reaching for antiquated reasons, turning in square

Verbally Thinking

Dragging yesterday's views musically into today's
stance of living.
Thinking verbally in a mind of remembering, loving
the strings still attached to ivories in my mind.

Always On Front Porches

Sentiment follows a majority of life-enhancing
events, giving us cause to shed a tear or two.
Happiness is always on front porches of sorrow,
pulling heart strings with deft feelings and

Eyes Of Loneliness

Clock watchers delving into hours of play, awaiting
a time of displacement as minutes pass slowly away.
Taking future dreams into places stale with smoke,
recreating nightmares of old out of habits too hard

Meadows Of Choice

Locomotive issues driving me down tracks of hidden
ghost towns, showing visions of what used to be
when people inhabited spaces before now.
Gently moving with idealized intuition towards

Embracing Eyes

Traipsing down avenues of lively joy, finding
happiness we used to rely on to keep us healthy
and laughing even beyond sorrow's curtains.

Soul's Lengthening Shadows

Echoing through the years, filling pleasurable
moments with truths and honesty in mathematical
precision lent from dwellings of music in depths
of imagination.

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