RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Looking Into Impossible Situations

Discovering, remembering everything this life has given to
this poet in order to continue writing and sharing with
people all over the globe.

Challenging Intellect In Mazes And Puzzles

Soothing rhythms, teasing minds, challenging intellect in
mazes and puzzles, wanting to explain them fully and en-
joying doing it.

Feeling Loved In India

Feeling loved in India while there, India's people are so
gentle, brilliant, spiritual and caring for this mere
American poet while there.

Continuing To Live And Learn

This temporary life is uncertain, filled with doubts, fears,
the unknown, yet we continue living and learning all about
how we can improve the U.S.A. and other countries.

Placing Details In Poetry

Looking at red and white delicate glass panels settled upon
reception desks like a soothing balm that captures the essence
of life, creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Methods Of Writing Combined

Methods of writing are combined within intellect where music
reaches out, touching its essence, capturing the intensity
and honesty of this mind alone.

Giving Poetry A Greater Place In Literature

Locating volumes of words and their meanings, writing them
in order, giving poetry a place in literature, mind always
responding instantaneously to rhythms as they're played.

Silent Skyways Soaring

Rising, soaring silently into skyways of an imaginational
reality in order to add to the clarity of what's now being
written incessantly onto blank lines of paper.

Planting Light Of Yesterday

Searching depths of intellect and its subconsciousness,
taking out the light of yesterday and planting it all
even in an ebony darkness.

Holding Onto Your Essence

Reading, listening to music, oil painting and writing prose,
poetry and articles throughout the years, nothing able to stop
this creative process.

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