RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Data Bank Of Poetical Energy

Traveling while sitting on a bench in my mind,
seeing the world in circular motions, turning
itself into imagination's depths.
Dipping into wells of silent knowledge and

Best Of Both Worlds

Strolling down lanes in the fall, watching the leaves
changing colors right before my eyes, leaving every-
thing to imagination's byways.

Winning Pockets

Bubbling with enthusiasm, turning a game of
ordinary pool into an inventive game of
rolling brains.

Senses Standing On End

Steady rhythm standing on end, giving life the
many extensions of pure definitions in prose.
Pious diction filling pages with it's faithful
illusions to all the good on this earth.

Horizons Of Tomorrrow

Children at play, innocent, naive, at rest with
themselves as they learn new ideas and activities
to become aware of life as days go by.
Serious-minded affiliates falter and hesitate as

Eternal Existence

Beauty surrounds my mind in moment of lightness,
candles illuminating dark caverns of thought,
are awakening subconsciously, interior spiritual
journeys of destiny.

Depths Of People's Minds

Peace-filled architecture of my soul outlasts every
sorrow and takes me by the hand to horizons of
imaginational depths.
Loving feelings brought forth by situational circum-

Joy Of Family Ties

Standing in lines of recreation, waiting for fun
and games with grandchildren on their roads to
respect and dignity for the elderly in their
growing years of life's untold stories.

Joyful Day

Spontaneous movements, lively anticipation, charge
batteries of young ones as they interact with
parents and grandparents on a fun-filled afternoon.

Tones Of Life

People enjoying themselves, playing with their
children, creating memories that will last a
lifetime and then some.
Adventures and new concepts fill time with

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