RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Electric Lives

Following lightening through a mind's maze,
touching electrically feelings being bared.

All sections of grey matter thrill to it's

Passive Slumber

Gentle movements of my mind, as it thinks in
pictures of imagination and intellect.

Heart - Breaking

Tortuous moments cut and slice at our hearts,
causing us to bleed on the floor of life.

Contemptuous individuals preying on innocent


Twilight gathering
it's skirts together,
tucking away minute
particles of sunlight

Thunderbird's Air Show

Sailing headfirst into deep blue horizons,
gliding along wind currents, dipping and
tipping wings, flying high.

Love Gone Wrong

Listening to a love song gone wrong.
Singing saddened verses of the past where love turned sour.
Now lonely and wanting what she once had in the past.

Folding Self

Regaling life and nature in many poems,
always being one with nature, because
those of human nature don't understand
what I do.

Watching Blossoming Talent

Watching everything blossom around me in an environment
of peace and culture.

Standing in the aisles of past remembrances, living life

Eighth And Ninth Dimensions

Staccato beat, surrounding me with a delicate source of
satin and silk thoughts.

Evening talents being brought out into the light of day,

Questioning Realities

Questioning the realities of existence and faith,
wondering why life is the way it is.

Long hours of discussion, truths, myths, questions

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