RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Life-Giving Hope

Running quickly forward, never looking back, taking everything I own within my mind.
Slowly taking my time into other dimensions, rhythmically saturating my mind with life-giving hope and an essence coming from somewhere deep within my soul.


Sketching People And Nature

Taking turns sketching people and nature in my mind,
remembering all the details as they exist in reality,
not wanting to veer from their beauty and purpose in
my life.

Beloved Shakespeare

Shakespeare has always filled me with tender-hearted feelings.
Touched me with his bleeding lines of poetry, dripping his life's
blood into mine.
Feeling whatever it is of his that I am reading, fills me with

Starting Over After Nine Eleven

Starting over after nine eleven,
cringing whenever smoke rises or a plane
flies over my head.
Memories clouding my mind of that fateful day,

Sunshades Of Maturity

Sunshades of maturity sliding
across faces of hidden loneliness.
Fabricating hymns of happiness on joyless days
at home alone in a fog.

Transparent Notes And Rhythms

Blissfully taking time to write my heart into another poetical day, filled with elation at being able to pick up where I left off yesterday.
So at peace in my mind's little abode, thriving on words, definitions and meanings that I give to everything.

Residing Quietly

Deep in my soul, I reside quietly, contemplating life through writing poetry.
Delicate issues, emotional turmoil - it all gets ironed out through thought.
Intense, silent, becoming inner solitude alone.
Serious visions cloud my mind with turbulent images of the past, surrounding me with sadness,

Rotating Existence

Taking steps into a nether world of emanating music.
Delivering my soul into God's hands, being content to sit and wonder at the immense difference it all makes in the scheme of things.
Setting down times and motion into discreet rhythms of freedom.
Totaling existence as it rotates in diagonal experiences on vertical plains.

A Space Of Mind

In the stillness of the afternoon, melodies are emitted into the space of my mind, wandering about, enjoying tones and rhythms, penetrating thoughts, filling them with prose taken in from every note and beat being played.

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