RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Puzzles Of Parity

Letting skylines go beyond an interior value where they
enter heaven's gateways.

Starlight being interpreted as I listen and see master-

Being Accountable

Lasting chances are always vanishing when you would like
to keep them close, pushing apart existing boundaries of
intellect so as to vibrate and widen expanses of thought.

Contributing To Hatred

Silent happenings are crowding around, wanting to be a
part of history as it partakes of a creative world.

Forgiving the existence of evil, yet praying that it

Collecting Misery

Crumbling world, falling into the cesspool of evil men
and their murderous styles of life.

Every day, causing unnecessary heartache and suffering,

Vehicles Of Prose And Music

Sleeping with eyes wide open, mind continually processing
all material seen and heard throughout daytime hours.

People watching, listening to nature and using innate

Essential Lessons Of Life

Little by little, life starts to wind down, starting
from the very moment of conception.

Leaving most of life to chance encounters, wondering

Examining Our Conscience

Refreshing memories throughout our lives, reliving visions
that have brought us to the point where we're at now.

Learning how to explore and discover everything in our

Somber Thoughts

Silencing effects that grief has on us, trying to find our
way through it's hurtful process without any directions.

Losing our faith, becoming angry with God and losing hope,

Temporarily Living

Signing death warrants before we are even born, knowing
at an early age that we will never live forever.

Life being taught is temporary only, encouraging us to

Exploring Environments

Straying out of comfort zones at times is a way of
exploring our environment, finding new and exciting
aspects not too far from where we live.

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