Roxanne Dubarry Poems

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Open Wide All Of Our Windows Of Blessings!

OH! Dear Lord God Jesus Christ!
Please open up your wonderful
Windows of Your abundant
Blessings in our lives.

Windmills Of My Mind

Echoes of windmills swirling around in my mind.
Whispering thoughts to me which are most unclear.
Taunting me in my thoughts by day,
and in my dreams at night.

Let Your Candlelight Shine

Oh! Why not let your candlelight brightly
shine. Amidst the darkness of nighttime's
darkness. In order for the whole wide and
wonderful world may see. Believers stand

Overcoming Depression #2

Whenever I am feeling:
sad, lonely, or blue;
I close my eyes
my special friend, and

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ

For being the sunshine in my life,
For turning winter into spring,
For turning darkness into light,
For bringing laughter and joy into my soul,

Righteousness Exalts A Nation

'Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people, ' Proverbs 14: 34 NIV***

'Choose this day whom ye shall serve...but as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.' Joshua 24: 15 KJV ***

The Wicked Shall Never Prosper But The Righteous Will

The light of the righteous shines brightly,
but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.
Pride only breeds quarrels,
but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

Before You Speak...Think!

'T-is it true? ...
H-is it helpful? ...
I- is it inspiring? ...
N-is it necessary? ...

What Would Jesus Do?

Oh, what would Jesus Christ both say and do, Leslie,
if He had a poetic critic such as you?
Would he play a game of computer tags
like you and I seem to play?

Christianity Is A Relationship With Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ calls us first individually,
And sometimes collectively to have a relationship.
With all of us who seek him, we shall find him,
When we shall search for him with all of our hearts.

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