Royston Allen Poems

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For you, our dear Helen, life was so short
so full of tears and with great sadness wrought.
In tragic circumstances was your death
as there alone in the grave you laid bereft.

What An Incredible Week

On Day zero we see nought but blackness and barrenness
for there was no universe, just bottomless emptiness.

Then darkness and light of the first night and day had begun

Dreams Yet To Be Dreamt

Young people are:

The future of our world
Flowers yet unfurled

When The Road Was Rough

The road was rough, the going tough
I knew not what to do.
Then Jesus came and spoke my name
and helped me work it through.

For We Have Been Set Free

Help My Unbelief

Help my unbelief, help me trust Your Word
for I believe that You can do it Lord.
You asked me to step out of the boat.
I know that You can keep me afloat.

The Worm That Squirmed

I am only a worm, a wriggly worm
I crawl and I slide and squiggle and squirm
but I noshed the vine that gave Jonah shade
destroying the shelter that God had made.

From Doom And Gloom To Ecstasy

His body had been wrapped and firmly bound
as it lay dead and lifeless in the ground.
The stone rolled over shutting out the light
and the door of death was sealed up so tight


When at Crete a gentle south wind began to blow
We weighed anchor deciding it was time to go
But the wind began to blow of hurricane force
A 'Northeaster' sprang up and blew us way off course

Uncreated Light

There is a Light, an Uncreated Beam
in which the Glory of God can be seen.
A pure and holy and an Eternal Light
can be seen in Jesus Christ shining bright.

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