Royston Allen Poems

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Prayer During Communion With Jesus

Lord, what can be said
as I break this bread
and reach out to touch
the One I love so much.

A Glimpse Of Paradise

It has ended. Times brief chapter is done
and now Christ's eternal reign has begun.
A new heaven and earth comes into view
for God has now created all things new.

If Only We Just Like Jesus Could Be

Upon the Cross wearing a thorny crown
He turned the world we live in upside down
as with His nail pierced hands opened wide
He cried 'Father forgive them, ' as He died.

Giving Thanks For The Bread

Lord, here our faith is fed
as we break this bread,
feeling your tender touch
knowing you love us so much

Giving Thanks For The Wine

Lord, it's a pleasure to dine
and drink such precious wine.
Feeling its power within
cleansing us from our sin

This Precious Speck Of Cosmic Dust

This small speck of cosmic dust tinged with blue
of all the planets is special to You.
Chosen to be the birthplace of Your son
and bring Light and Life to everyone.

'Twas Earth, The Cradle Of The Human Race

Come ponder this event in history
when God came to the world for you and me.
'twas Earth, the cradle of the human race
He had chosen to be His Son's birthplace.

Love's First Sweet Moment

He Wore His Gospel Shoes Today

Broken And Outpoured

The flask had been broken, and the perfume poured
it was a great token, of love for her Lord
Nothing had been spoken, but so much was said
by her words unspoken, and the tears she shed

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