Royston Allen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Fan Into Flames

Deep Darkness Spread Throughout All The Land

Deep darkness spread throughout all the land that day
as men nailed Him to the cross and had their way.
There full atonement for humankind was made
as our sins upon the Lamb of God were laid.

You Cannot Take It With You Rob

Rob preferred to be left all on his own
to live his life in his house all alone.
Seeking only to accumulate wealth
even when detrimental to his health.

With Her Touch She Turned The House Into A Home

Everlasting Love

'Twas over 45 years ago that we became aware
of each other at school and sweet love did flare.
Unhindered by youth our love in infancy began
and had started according to God's great plan.

Did You See What Jesus Did?

"Unclean, unclean" the leper had to say
and sadly watch the people run away.
But then to Jesus at the mountainside he came
to be healed of all his sickness and his shame.

He's Mine Boasted The Grave In Victory

‘He's mine' boasted the grave in victory
'He is dead so now he belongs to me'
Mary and Martha gazed on in despair
Wishing that Jesus had been with them there

Before The Beginning

There, before the beginning was the Word
and in the emptiness God's voice was heard.
'Let there be light', the Almighty One said,
as firstlight was conceived and off it sped.

3 Kisses

1 The kiss of betrayal
Thirty pieces of silver paid for a kiss!
The price to betray Jesus was no more than this.
For when Judas came with an armed mob that day

Woven On A Heavenly Loom

Woven together on a heavenly loom
I was formed by God whilst in my mother's womb.
Then the days of my life in His book were penned
from before I was born right up to the end.

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