Sadistic Cupid Poems

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Untitled 77

You said you love me and
I actually thought it to be true.
That's why I said I love you
because I didn't think anything else would do.


Love, I wonder is it stolen or lost once it has gone.
Even though you show strength you still feel fragile,
and your heart seems like it can't be won.
Only to find you were waiting for someone to remove the pile of guile,

Times Up

I've been waitng and a long time has passed.
Your so proud of me you keep me in a bag.
I gave you another chance I heard your debate.
You simply said 'I don't know' to our entire fate.


You said you need to do some soul searching,
Yet am I not who heals it when your soul is hurting.
A search, a search for what was my plea.
Simply a search of the soul was her reply to me.

Revenge With Tears For A Friends

I little jolt from neg while pos is on your feet,
Now the term grounded comes to me.
One question I’ll ask and reply not bittersweet,
A tap from neg will rationalize my agony.

No Regrets

Well I may have lost you, and have lost you fairly;
In my own way, and with my full consent.
Say what you will, Kings in a Tumble rarely
went to their deaths more proud than this one.

One Wish

If I had one wish I would wish for a better me, because the world is full of hostility.
I would want a better reality, but that's just not realistic to me.

I hope and I pray maybe somehow, some day that this world would be a better place.

Hye Revisited

Have you ever tried to reach for yourself, and grasp the shadow of a princes?
Have you ever known to know happiness only to have sorrow steal it away?
Have you ever been targeted by many simply because you refused them your trust?
Have you ever had the strength to persist in total darkness completely alone?

Bored As Hell # 12

My box, my small link to the world.
My box, Diplays the scripted thoughts of this girl.
My box, Shows the advancement made today.
My box, is at thing upon which many children play.

I'M Sorry

I’m sorry, I never told you my heart was so black.
I’m sorry, I never mentioned that I was just too impure.
I’m sorry, I never said “I don’t think I’m right for you.”
I’m sorry, I never asked you “Are you sure I’m the right one.”

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