Sailing to windward Poems

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(*)if You're Not On Board (Villanelle)

If you're not on board when my ferry sails,
and the spiteful wind's moaning its tirade,
I'll wait by the gate till your bright light hails.

The Cicadas Of Selimiye

Can you hear the cicadas calling
Can you, can you?

Can you see the dream filled yachts

(*) Pink Confused A White Rose Red

Pink confused a red rose white
Dipping sun leads day to night.
Guileless dawn joins light with dark;
Hateless, awe-filled, works of art.

(0) I Can Hear The Plane Coming

I could hear that plane coming;
the field's not far from me.
The plane you caught here out of love,
to be not far from me.


Here lie Rob’s bits and pieces
Don’t dig him up, - beware diseases!
Buried at last, out of the way
Quiet for once – nothing to say

(0) Sir William’s Dream - An Alternative Ending

“Wine with you sir? ”, said the sly one,
the, I won’t look you in the eye one,
at the other end of the long oak table,
where I’d placed him whilst still able,

Super Moon

We left the beach and dusty road
And scrambled up the rock strewn hill
The moon was full, as were our hearts
And all around was still

This Flat Earth

In bitter sweet memory,
the horizon never appeared
to get any closer
and he voyaged in love, blissfully.

We The Shy Children

We are shy children.
Why wish us ill then,
When we sing our songs for pleasure?

Weigh, Moor

Even in the planning my palms give me away
An odd mix - adrenaline and wonder.
Shaping the course, , the angst is upon me
Is it right, or will we go under?

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