Saiom Shriver Poems

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2 Boston radio stations, WGBH and WBUR, in programs The Takeaway and The World, on the 29th and 30th of July,2015 gave air time only to defenders of the trophy seeking murder of animals. The host of Takeaway referred to the murdered lion as 'game'. The worldwide animal rights movement has reached a new level of critical mass. The New York Post headlined that the thrill kill murderer of Cecil the lion was the most hated man on the internet.

Walter Palmer, poacher and sadist, has gone into hiding after he, a dentist of Eden Prairie, Minnesota paid $50,000 in a Zimbabwe hutning safari. Cecil, a beloved lion, was lured off of a sanctuary by bait. Palmer then shot him with an arrow from an extremely highpowered bow, and tracked him for 40 hours of Cecil's suffering, finally shooting him with a rifle. Then he cut off Cecil's head and skinned his body, while trying to remove the GPS collar which Oxford University (a vivisection university) had placed on him. Palmer claims that he did not know he was acting illegally. His 2 Zimbabwe guides have been arrested taking the fall for Palmer's savagery.

Republicans: Party Of Serially Killing Trophy Hunters

There are men who shoot
highpowered arrows
into innocent mammals'
unsuspecting bone marrow.

Universal Savagery

S Africa most brutal to lions
China worst to sows
Spain serial killer of bulls
Brazil murders most cows

Instant Karmic Return

A Texas man from
somewhere like Amarillo
shot at a sweet and
innocent armadillo

My Partner

Junkyard Dog

Jade Cover


Zz Known Cures For Cancer

Despite the attempts of the cancer industrial complex of hospitals, drug companies, and others
to suppress cancer cures, there are many. This article lists only a fraction of them.

1. Become vegan. The countries in the world with highest rates of intestinal cancer are heavy

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