Saiom Shriver Poems

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They say in 'society'
with false noted piety
that 'impropriety'
brings notoriety.

Sensitive Mouth

How sensitive is
the hook-ripped
of the fish

Smoke In Mirrors 2

Smoke in mirrors
Morning mist on lake.
Illusion burned away
by the rising sun.

Zz George Harrison, Steve Jobs, And Paramahansa Yogananda

Linden called to say he'd seen yesterday the movie 'Awake' at the West End Theatre in Washington DC. It is a film of the life of Paramahansa Yogananda. When he died in 1952, Time Magazine reported that his body was fragrant with the smell of roses for 21 days without embalming.

The Beatle George Harrison, whose copy of the Autobiography was given to him by Ravi Shankar, kept stacks of Yogananda's book Autobiography Of A Yogi in his home to give to his guests. At Steve Jobs' funeral, guests were given the same book. It was the only book that had been on his iPad. Apple was named by the once fruitarian Jobs. Dennis Weaver, star of Gunsmoke, McCloud and many other tv series and movies, was a follower, as was actor Dick Haymes. Millions of copies of the book have been sold. Calvin Coolidge invited Yogananda to the White House, but in Florida, threatened by his olive skin, a group of 200 men threatened him with violence. J Edgar Hoover considered yoga to be a Communist threat and so had an FBI squad which followed Yogananda. It was not until 1965 that Asian Indians were permitted to become US citizens.

One Green Light

As one green light
can move tons of
waiting steel vehicles
so positive thought

Loud Thinking

A Chain Of Broken Hearts

Hugh Hefner came home
from the military
to find his lover
in the arms of another.

The Marine Survives The Captain's Daughter

The marine was engaged to
the captain's daughter
at Camp Lejeune. She
discovered she was with

Star Trine

As one, of
earth wind
water and fire
they made four trines

Spanish Government Rams Greenpeace Boats

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