sarah bishop

sarah bishop Poems

A red rose is so sweet and so delicate,
A red rose is always so bright and glimmering with red,
A red rose has always grown so gracefully,
and always before the end of the rose's life it starts to wilt,

Love is so warm and sweet,
so wonderful and good,
love can mean anything in the world,
in life it means you are one with another.

In the mist lies a werewolf, running with pride,
In the dark light there is a werewolf stalking your every move,
In the snowy dark forest a werewolf is seeking for a love,
In the eyes of the werewolf he see's you,

A Vampires Kiss, so sweet and wordless,
A Vampires Kiss, should last forever,
A Vampires Kiss, together with your own,
A Vampires Kiss, so lovely and delicate,

Why is life so pointless, so dull, so dead,
life is like sand nothing to do when your sand,
you get stepped on,
and you are hated by many.

Twilight so calm, so warming,
yet many others fear you so,
yet others will stay in your dawning forever,
and never get restless of your beauty.

He grabs me and he jumps off a cliff into mid-air,
over the highest height that I have ever been,
over icy cold water and over rocks,
we start falling, and falling, and falling,

A Vampires shadow lies beyond the street lights, behind the alleyways, and darkness,
A Vampires shadow lies in your yard at night waiting for you to come out,
A Vampires shadow lies in your basement waiting for you to come on down,
A Vampires shadow lies with you, cause your the vampires true shadow,


Your heart is black, dark with evil.
Your smile is fiendish, that of a cheshire cat.
Your mind so dark, filled with tempting thoughts.
Your kiss is deadly, killing me each time.

As I fall through the cold water I start to drift away,
the water as cold as ice passes through every inch of my body,
my body as numb as can be,
no one knows what lies beyond the icy water,

Midnight so silent, so calming, so cool,
Midnight moves so gracefully, so flawless,
yet is so unwelcome in many eyes,
but welcome in some,

In the Moonlit Mist a figure hides it's self from all,
In the Moonlit Mist the figure moves so delicately,
In the Moonlit Mist the figure turns into a shadow of the night,
In the Moonlit Mist the shadow moves in slowly,

In the midnight light lies two loves, one werewolf and the other, a vampire,
In the midnight light lies two loves, that can't ever be together,
In the midnight light lies two loves, seeking a way to be together,
In the midnight light lies two loves, that are bound for death,

sarah bishop Biography

Loves wolves, loves fantasy, vampires and werewolves.I love writing poems about almost anything but mostly fantasy stuff, and i love drawing and one day hoping to become a cartoonist.)

The Best Poem Of sarah bishop

Red Rose

A red rose is so sweet and so delicate,
A red rose is always so bright and glimmering with red,
A red rose has always grown so gracefully,
and always before the end of the rose's life it starts to wilt,
but why does it wilt with no life left,
is the rose sad to leave the beautiful earth it grew on,
or just sad to live so short.

A red rose so wilted and dead,
A red rose is now dull, blackish, red,
A red rose that had died without dread,
A red rose that has left without a good bye or farewell,
and always so quiet and peaceful,
A red rose, farewell to you.

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