SarahLaney Long Poems

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The Man In My Life

He knows that I'm not perfect, nor does he expect me to be.
He forgives me when I ask him, for the man in my life loves me.

Friendship Redo

Look what the lies did between you and me
Assuming that this is the way things ought to be
We were barelly talking as it was, and yet you wanted to back-off even more.
I don't think that's fair, and I don't think that you are sure of anything anymore.

My Only Savior: Isaiah 43

You game me life, You created me
All for Your glory
The one who formed me in the beginning.
You summon me by my name,

The Feeling Of Change

Can you feel the change in the wind
The way wind changes directions from east to west

Broken Hearted

Why does tonight have to end
Why don't we hit restart
And pause at your favorite parts
We'll skip the goodbyes

Seeds Of Love

You were my best friend and you still are.
People teased us, but it was all a joke, but now...

Just Friends

We're just friends
That's all we'll ever be
I don't think there's
Ever going to be a you and me

My Friend

I feel like I've known you forever
Although I only met you sometime this past year
But our friendship will remain forever
No matter what shall cross our paths and hearts

My Gift To You

I live through my dark existence
only to bask in your beauty
your eyes that shine like sapphires

Can We Still Be Friends?

I was cold and hurting
lost out in the night
wandering and searching
for heaven's light

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