Saswat David

Saswat David Poems

I drown.
I drown in the memories.
Clutching my fingers helplessly,
Trying to hold on to the aroma,

The curve tells a story,
The twinkle sings a song.
Fresh as the first drop of dew on a winter morning,
Peaceful as death, but full of life.

When the stories shift like sand,
You feel like an outcast in your own land.
Trying to swim in an ocean of uncertain,
Sinking, but not making an effort to halt the closing curtain.

I had promised infinity and beyond,
Yet like your heart this promise I broke,
Causing a wound so deep,
Even time can't find a way to cloak.

I'm sitting here all alone,
Feeling lost and on my own.
Can't believe that you're not here,
My heart is drowning in fear.

In the moonlight's embrace we drive,
A journey bound by dreams alive.
In the depths of my heart, feelings sway,
I look in awe, but you look away.

The Best Poem Of Saswat David


I drown.
I drown in the memories.
Clutching my fingers helplessly,
Trying to hold on to the aroma,
Trying to hold on to something that there is no more.

On lonely nights, I think of all the maybes and ifs.
I lament all the chances where we could have.
I wonder if we made a mistake.
I retrospect.
I regret.

Without you, I'm not broken,
I'm not empty.
But without you, I'm incomplete,
Just the half of a whole.
I'm not me.

I try to go on like I never knew you.
Trying to find anew the fervour,
The spark, the madness, the lust.
I try to find myself.
I fail.

Memories of you, of you in me, are all that I have.
Memories of the time we were on the cloud of passion,
Surrounded by the mist that surmounted the world.
Memories of things that were, but won't be again.
They give me strength, and make me weak.

Love isn't a walk in the park.
It's cold and brutal.
But you with your alluring soul,
Made it beautiful.
Now that you're gone,
I feel like a lost shadow under the moonlight.
Now that you're gone,
I'm gone too.

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