Satis Shroff

Satis Shroff Poems

She had short, golden hair
Tied neatly behind
With a blue satin-scarf.
And yet I saw her

One wintry evening I saw love.
She wore thin glasses
At the university dancing classes.
We danced fox-trot, cha-cha

Nine Hauptschule kids in their teens,
Sit on benches in the Japanese Garden,
Near the placid, torquoise lake.

'My husband is mad
Er spinnt
Er ist verrückt! '
Says Frau Fleckenstein, my landlady,


Erntedank is the harvest festival,
The German Thanksgiving,

Winter blues,
Go away!
Season of short daylight,
Coughs and rheuma,

Blue is the colour of the mountain,
Blue is the colour of t sky,
Blue is the colour of our planet,
And blue is the colour of your eyes.

Up and up we flew exultantly
Towards the Himalayas.
Kathmandu, Bhadgaon and Lalitpur
With their palaces, pagodas, shrines,

The sky was bathed
In fantastic hues:
Yellow, orange, scarlet
Mauve and cobalt blue.

Preacher: Break your bread with the hungry,
Speak a word with the dumb,
Sing with the sad,
Share your house with the lonely.


A birdhouse hangs below a spire,
To feed the avian friends through winter.


When old friends

A WALTZ WITH YOU (Satis Shroff)


The hamlets are scattered,
Tucked away in the side valleys and spurs

A Lass from a Volcano Isle (Satis Shroff)

I come from a volcano isle on the Atlantic

Sylt at Dawn (Satis Shroff)

You hear the waves
As they splash onto the shore.

‘You’re not going to get away this time.
And you’ll never ever bring a Nepalese child
To a Bombay brothel, ’ I said to myself.
I’d killed a man who’d betrayed me

As the Breisgau-train dashes in the Black Forest,
Between Elztal and Freiburg,
I am with my thoughts in South Asia.

500 years ago near the town of Kashgar,
I, a stranger in local clothes was captured
By the sturdy riders of Vali Khan.
What was a stranger

A German professor wooed me
And said I could still do my creative writing work
If, and when, I married him.
I said 'Ja' and gave birth to five children,

Satis Shroff Biography

Satis Shroff received Heimatmedaille Baden-Württemberg 2018 for Literature and Heimatpflege, the Neruda Award 2017 in Crispiano, Italy on May 20,2017 for Literature. Hihttps: // He is a writer and poet based in Freiburg poems, fiction, non-fiction who also writes on ethno-medical, culture-ethnological themes. He is a contributing writer on and https: //autnispoetry/satisshroff/germany, on Blogspot and He has studied Zoology and Botany in Nepal, Medicine and Social Science in Germany and Creative Writing in Freiburg and Manchester. He describes himself as a mediator between western and eastern cultures and sees his future as a writer and poet. Satis Shroff was awarded the German Academic Exchange Prize.He is a lecturer in Basle Switzerland. Writing experience: Satis Shroff has written two language books on the Nepalese language for DSE Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklungsdienst & Horlemannverlag. He has written three feature articles in the Munich-based Nelles Verlag's ‘Nepal' on the Himalayan Kingdom's Gurkhas, sacred mountains and Nepalese symbols and on Hinduism in ‘Nepal: Myths & Realities Book Faith India and his poem ‘Mental Molotovs' was published in epd-Entwicklungsdienst Frankfurt. He has written many articles in The Rising Nepal, The Christian Science Monitor, the Independent, the Fryburger, Swatantra Biswa USIS publication, Himal Asia,3Journal Freiburg. Also read his poems, articles in & search under: satis shroff. His books are published on: What others have said about the author: Satis Shroff writes political poetry—about the war in Nepal, the sad fate of the Nepalese people, the emergence of neo-fascism in Germany. His bicultural perspective makes his poems rich, full of awe and at the same time heartbreakingly sad. In writing ‘home, ' he not only returns to his country of origin time and again, he also carries the fate of his people to readers in the West, and his task of writing thus is also a very important one in political terms. His true gift is to invent Nepalese metaphors and make them accessible to the West through his poetry. Sandra Sigel, poetess, Germany. His books 'Through Nepalese Eyes, ' 'Im Schatten des Himalaya' and 'Kathmandu, Kathmandu' are available on 'Die Schilderungen von Satis Shroff in ‘Through Nepalese Eyes' sind faszinierend und geben uns die Möglichkeit, unsere Welt mit neuen Augen zu sehen.' Alice Grünfelder von Unionsverlag / Limmat Verlag, Zürich. 'Since 1974 I have been living on and off in Nepal, writing articles and publishing books about Nepal- this beautiful Himalayan country. Even before I knew Satis Shroff personally later I was deeply impressed by his articles, which helped me very much to deepen my knowledge about Nepal. Satis Shroff is one of the very few Nepalese writers being able to compare ecology, development and modernisation in the ‘Third' and ‘First' World. He is doing this with great enthusiasm, competence and intelligence, showing his great concern for the development of his own country.' Ludmilla Tüting, journalist and publisher, Berlin. 'Due to his very pleasant personality and in-depth experience in both South Asian, as well as Western workstyles and living, Satis Shroff brings with him a cultural sensitivity that is refined. His writings have always reflected the positive attributes of optimism, tolerance, and a need to explain and to describe without looking down on either his subject or his reader.' Kanak Mani Dixit, Himal Southasia, Kathmandu 'Satis Shroff writes with intelligence, wit and grace.' Bruce Dobler, Associate Professor in Creative Writing, MFA University of Iowa.

The Best Poem Of Satis Shroff

Blue Allemanic Eyes (Satis Shroff)

She had short, golden hair
Tied neatly behind
With a blue satin-scarf.
And yet I saw her
Wearing a diadem
And a flowing satin gown,
Like a princess.

A meek, submissive smile
A movement of her fair hair
Akin to a Bolshoi ballerina
In moments of embarrassment and coyness.
Her blue Allemanic eyes, sweet and honest
They knew no intrigue,
Neither treachery nor rebellion.
‘I was brought up to obey, ’ she whispered.

Pure bliss and love sublime,
A book you could read.
Plain and straight,
And not in-between the lines.

An openness, and yet
She's resolute and seeks
Perhaps stability
Or security?

A neglected childhood
With pain and punishment.
A legacy of the Black Forest
Nevertheless, she remained
Soft and tender,
Submissive and sincere.
Not demanding and aggressive
Ever alert and considerate.

Murmurs and sighs filled the air.
Love became stormy and frantic.
Sweat and aphrodisiac mingled,
To create a moment of magic,
To recede in moans and whispers
And a thousand kisses.

Brought to reality
By the rays of the dying sun
And the sudden noise
Of birds coming home to roost.
A tranquillity after the tumult
Within our passionate souls.

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