Satish Verma Poems

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Substantial Shadow

Walking on dead leaves covering the grass
to and fro, to and fro in solitude, hiding
behind the mask, pithy face, ideas rebounding,
a loaded eloquence, opening a diaglogue with self,

Ninth Symphony

A scented moon caves in
on a tree top
and solitude withers up in a seminal cloud,


For the sake of lake, I climbed
on the weeping hills
to see the other side of moon.
The precipice of hunger weighs heavily

Song Of The Last Siren

Somewhere in between slumber and arousal
the twilight zone scoops a fistful of memories.
Atrophied limbs. Mottled skin. A cancerous face haunts.
Not afraid but I am anxious. Life has not yet ebbed away.

Home Coming... Hypothetics

I will make amends with me today,
stop fighting with myself.

Unthinkable to live without pain,

In The Garden Of Gethsemane

I tossed back the hot questions
before searching the answer.
Flaming torso of a limbless man
was seeking a place to rest his soul.

Raas! *

The evening opens a wound,
a secret agony.
It neither heals nor gives solace.
The sacred whore who liberates herself


I did not will them
dreams of crystals
a stupid calendar of flight
from insomnic past.

Lear Again...

It was not worth it.
Building of castles on the dirty roads.
Offering spiritual coalition
of unscented certainties.

A Peep Within

I woke up clutching the dreams
in deluge of tears.
Night had a brackish taste,
the other side of moon was dark.

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