Sean McCoy

Sean McCoy Poems

Why is it everytime
I meet someone?
She seems to be the
wrong one?

I tell myself
I enjoy the chaos I create
while I conduct
the lunatic cacophony

Can you hear my
heart pounding
Everytime I am
near you?

Looking through the lens of hindsight
were the emotions real?
did they exist?

Woke up with verse in my head.
Now it is seeping out
onto the paper.
I am going to have


I let them all die
perhaps I killed them.
I don’t remember
when it happened.

will the world end?

If I sit and worry about it enough,

I see you from time to time
and I am happy
for those fleeting moments.

Sean McCoy Biography

Recently turned 40 and really feel like I am coming into a very new and exciting and energetic phase of my life. I have met a lot of new friends over the last few months who have changed my life in ways I am still processing. I have had a sudden renewed interest in poetry and digging out my writing and scribblings from years ago. I have started writing again, I haven't done that for years.)

The Best Poem Of Sean McCoy

A Few Questions:

Why is it everytime
I meet someone?
She seems to be the
wrong one?
Or if not the wrong one,
it's the wrong time?
Is she out there,
somewhere, waiting?
Sitting alone tonight,
thinking the same thing?
Have we met already,
and not know it yet?
Will me meet someday,
and know it then?
Will we meet someday,
and let it slip away?
Am I destined
to spend this life alone?

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