RoseAnn V. Shawiak Seeking Poems

Seeking The Purity Of An Intense Purity

A bright and sunny day, sun peeking in and out of the clouds
as they drift by above, echoes of beautiful rock and roll
melodies soaring.

Seeking The Extraordinary In An Ordinary Life

Journeying everywhere possible, learning to seek and find
the extraordinary in this ordinary life, walking down lanes of another dimension seeing imagery written along the way.

Engaging in a poetical process for the good of mankind, hoping to bring light into a darkened world being taken into evil and satanic rituals.

Seeking Ageless Wisdom

Learning to decipher omens and signs in our paths through
life, seeking ageless wisdom that seems to escape.

Leading us on wild goose chases in turn, not allowing any

Seeking To Display Thoughts

Zipping back and forth through my mind, seeking to display
thoughts intellectually sound and reverberating in the
beauty of a poetical nature.

Always Seeking Truth

Questioning life and it's purpose, wanting to
know exactly what it might be.

Intrigued and always seeking answers of truth

Humanity Seeking Itself

Mind tripping through rhythms in measures of interior
chords as they energize, taking this poet into an in-
tense bluened light constantly.

Seeking Goodness In Others

In the moonlight of an eternity, seeking goodness in other people,
hoping to join together, gaining some momentum as we follow our
hearts in succession.

Seeking Answers To Mankind's Puzzles

Racing into the staccato beats of my mind as I travel
inner highways of poetry, looking for rhythms that will
continue to fulfill my purpose on earth.

Seeking Pathways, Leaving Marks

Timely rhythms seeking pathways in this brain, wanting to
explore and be part of new adventures, ones that haven't
been done before, living in the moment.

Seeking Reprieves

Walking down streets of loneliness feeling saddened, sorrowful
and abandoned through no fault of our own, searching always for
answers, a reprieve from the intensity of feelings and emotions.

Seeking Shelter

Hiding in a closet of misfortune, not wanting to be found ever again on earth.
Seeking a shelter where I alone can be myself and not be judged by others who get in my way.
Leaving all things behind, enjoying melodies only I can hear and learn from.
Wisdom continually taking my hand, giving me lessons to move upward to heaven.

Seeking Moments

Our ends are clearly situated in the future, awaiting
entrance of our souls as we progress beyond mortal

Seeking Nature At Play

Looking through dusty, shaded windows, seeking nature at play to lighten my heart for a while.
Watching shadows playing hide-and-seek with the sun, touching my libido with an energy of playfulness.
Bringing about a new season of joyful anticipation, reaching an avenue of great expectations to be fulfilled at last.

Seeking Finality Of Purpose

Dispersion of interior life fills me without, displacing
who I am, searching throughout forests of imagination,
seeking the finality of purpose.

Death Seeking Me

Death seeks me out, but I pray not yet, I still have several important things to start or finish.
Tapping on my mind's windows, reminding me of their presence, not wanting me to forget they're there.

Seeking Answers

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