Shah Samar Imtiyaz

The Best Poem Of Shah Samar Imtiyaz

A Scary Night

It was raining heavily
and the wind was blowing with an extreme speed
It was dark outside
and the leaves of trees where making a scary noise as if dancing in the terror
The window of my room was located just above my bed location
As I looked outside the window, lying on my bed,
suddenly the window got unlatched and got closed with a bang
It scared me
I pulled my blanket over my face, shaking in terror
After sometime I felt sweating inside
so I came out of the blanket
I just had a nap and suddenly it started thundering
as a result I woke up in terror and loneliness and curtained the window
Huh! I sighed and tried to sleep back again
as I was about to sleep
a cloud bursted making an extreme sound as if of a bomb blast
I stood up shouting
Dad! Dad! Please save me!
And my dad came running to my room and held me in his arms, wiping my tears
and telling me that I am a strong girl
As he hugged me
I felt every loneliness and terror vanishing away
I smiled and went to a sound sleep

Shah Samar Imtiyaz Comments

Shah Samar Imtiyaz Quotes

Do you hear me? I never cheated on you, rather you cheated on me.You had promised me that you will stand by my side in any circumstances, but you broke that promise anyway. You left with her, I was left all alone.You knew I was fragile, but you dropped me anyways

It's better to be in the reel life than in the real, because you can change the script of the reel life but it's impossible to change the script of the real life which is written by the God Itself.

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