Shante Campbell

Shante Campbell Poems


One by one the tears fall
always at your beck and call
but this one day you can't control
come back please

Climb mountains to conquer your fear
not knowing you're already close enough to touch it
my dear

Make a wish but wish for truth
'cause one wrong wish will go array.
Keep to the shadows where you can hide,
make your lair and bide your time.

How come every time you're doin somethin' right,
somebody gotta come and make everything wrong?
You just wanna be nice,
have a life

Shante Campbell Biography

I have a lot to say. Don't go off of my age go off of my poetry it speaks louder than I do.)

The Best Poem Of Shante Campbell


One by one the tears fall
always at your beck and call
but this one day you can't control
come back please
release the soul
I never know how you'll react
so never show an inch of pain
pain is weakness and i'm not weak
weakness is fear and I fear no one
raised on the streets
makes you tough
poker face that never leaves
show no fear on those streets
one inch of weakness
and you'll be beat.

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