Shazzie Telo

Shazzie Telo Poems

This is strange...
It is pain in every sense of the phrase.
Pain so undoubtedly overbearing
And I am under-strength to thwart such subjugation.

Tell me not mournful sky of your grief,
You poured rain like daggers.
I pound my chest for I am all forlorn,
For worthy is none to be your relievers.

Thoughts of what went before
Clustered inside my brain like swarming bees.
When can this gray matter
Be finally disenslaved from these?

Shazzie Telo Biography

Lives in Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, Philippines Currently studying in Mindanao State University. Favorite Quotation: 'Dum Spiro, Spero' - While I breathe, I hope.)

The Best Poem Of Shazzie Telo

Letter Of The Enslaved

This is strange...
It is pain in every sense of the phrase.
Pain so undoubtedly overbearing
And I am under-strength to thwart such subjugation.

This is strange...
When does a thing objectionable translate pleasure?
My skin is not receptive anymore.
I am swimming in a boiling water.

This is bewilderment in all corners.
My innocence, a beyond price now corrupted.
It was not taken from me insidiously
I am the criminal of my own self
I gave it away all to gratify the appetence of the flesh.

Flesh, I have not known you fully.
Such a ravenous creature!
You are now in domination in my core.
And I, a lurdan subject of yours.

A decade now in reign you are,
Surely you have rooted deeply in my inmost being.
You outsmarted me!
Too late to realize that the red apple
was a trap when I already took a bite.

I am in a zephyr spreading my wings.
I know it is a liberation so unlikely.
Fifteen minutes of unfettering granted
Unnoticeably taking a day from my lifetime.

Why are you a candy,
A child would cry for you?
An earthly pleasure you are merely,
But an enticement to my human nature, can't you see?

Who is to be blamed then?
I am heading towards the dead end.
A rescue is needed to respond for I am
at the death's door.
A saviour might be, for there's no other way
in this cage will I be free.

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