Sheena Blackhall Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Wizard O The North (40 Scots Poems)


There is a wizard in the North
He makks a magic brew

Serendipity (18 Scots Poems, Ceylon Et Al)

1.A Song of Two Islands

Neep an tattie, ingin, leek
Frost pits roses in yer cheek

The Cyard's Kist (28 Scots Poems)

1.The Cyard's Kist
'There's nae guid comes
A's wrack, fin the Cyards are here
Wi a birn o bairns at their back

Fite Doo Black Crow (74 Scots Poems)

1. Gowd
Dwined till a dwaum yon moss-green kindly een,
His sang that raise as a shout
Fin his warld wis young, crined till a myowt

Life In The Uk: Becoming A British Citizen

Where does the PM stay in London?
When did Guy Fawkes plant his bomb?
Which percentage of Brits use drugs?
Where do Cockney speakers come from?

The Crannog Woman (14 Poems In Scots)

1.Sea Memorial
Slippin intae Fittie in the dreich sea haar
Twa score o whalermen, taigles in their hair
Langsyne they perished ower the herbour bar

Charlie Chaplin: Against The Odds (1889-1977)

Clowns often grow in backyard plots of misery
Take Chaplin, born to a drunk whose liver was on the blink
And a mad mother, locked away from his love
Talented folk, but damaged, a fragile childhood

10 Scots Poems From The Poetry Lesson

1.Ettlin at Jealousy: An Owersett in Scots o a Poem bi Marina Tsvetayeva
Fit like's her life wi the ither ane?
Easier, is't nae? Ae straik o the oar
Syne a lang coastline, an sune

12 Poems (English) From The Poetry Hat

1. Making a Poem Hat (non bai tho (poetic conical hats) .
A simple conical hat is made in 15 stages,
First, you must got to the forest
To collect young leaves of the tree named "Bo Qui Diep'

Please Can I Have A Pet?

Please can I have pet with a pelt like water?
Please can I have a pet with a luscious nose
Please can I have a pet who needs no walkies
Please don't give me a dog…not one of those

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